SPIROMETRY pre-attendance guidance

Please read and complete the following prior to attending the spirometry clinic.

Located at:

Before the test STOP:

  • Short acting bronchodilators* for 4hrs prior to appointment (Salbutamol / Ventolin)
  • Long acting beta 2 agonist bronchodilators* for 8hrs prior to appointment ( Formoterol Easyhaler / Oxis Turbohaler / Atimos Modulite / Onbrez Breezhaler / striverdi Respimat / Serevent / )
  • Long acting anticholinergic bronchodilators* for 36hrs prior to appointment ( Spiriva Respimat / Incruse Ellipta / Atrovent / Seebri Breezhaler / Eklira Genuair )
  • Or combination inhalers eg: Anoro Ellipta / Spiolto Respimat / Ultibro Breezhaler / Bevespi Aeroshare / Duaklir Genuair

Before the test CONTINUE:

  • Inhaled and oral steroids

Please bring with you any existing inhalers that you may have to your appointment.

Please AVOID:

  • Smoking for at least 24hrs before the test
  • Eating a large meal before the test.
  • Vigorous exercise before the test.
  • Wearing tight clothing.

Please do not attend if you have had any of the following recently*:

  • Active infection e.g. AFB positive TB
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Current pneumothorax or prior pneumothorax.
  • Recent surgery within last 6 months including: eyes, chest, abdominal, brain or spinal
  • Any other condition that may cause serious consequences if aggravated by forced expiration.
  • Do not attend if you have COVID or you suspect that you may have it
  • Suspected respiratory infection in last 4-6 weeks
  • Undiagnosed chest symptoms e.g. haemoptysis (coughing up blood).
  • Recent (within 6 months) heart attack (myocardial infarction)
  • Uncontrolled hypertension or pulmonary embolism
  • History of a stroke
  • Communication problems such as learning disability or confusion

*please check with Jane Fletcher if you are taking any of these medications or are unsure of any of these terms. Thank you.